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New Account Set-up

Steps for setting up your new account

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a month ago

It's not uncommon for aquatics managers to move on to another organization, after years of using DigiQuatics with their former. In this case, we recognize a one-on-one set-up call may not be necessary.

So, feel free to follow the instructions below if you would like to get your new account up and running on your own time!

To schedule a call to set-up your trial or if you need live support, click here.

Otherwise, you should have received a new account link from your account manager or our sales team. If not, please reach out via email or chat.

Here is a summary of the core steps necessary for any official account or trial account set-up success: 

  1. You'll first navigate through the organization and admin set-up screens. (These details can all be changed later in your settings). When completed, you'll be brought to your trial account's dashboard.

  2. Next, you'll need to navigate to your settings (upper right gear icon) to add locations and pools. Then, add the positions you staff. 

  3. When you feel comfortable with all your location and pool information and that you've added most of the positions your employees need to hold, you can navigate to the Employee Management module (center drop-down) and choose "Employees". From here you can add employees one at a time, or you can export to a spreadsheet (upper right option), add employees all at once - modifying their settings globally - then import that spreadsheet back into DigiQuatics.

A Note About Trial Accounts:
Trials last 30-days, and our team is extra-available to answer any and all questions that come up. If we don't hear from you, we typically check in mid-way through and tend to give more attention towards the end of the trial to make sure you have been able to test the functionality of all modules and feel comfortable with the set-up per your organizational/operational needs.

At any time during your trial, we can roll your data into an official account if and when you are ready to go live! Otherwise, your account will become dormant and inactive, preserving your data for at least 60 days.

Official Accounts:
If you have activated your plan (see final page) by completing the subscription preferences/point of contact form, you are ready to dive in! Though the "days remaining" ticker for trial accounts may remain at the footer of your new account, rest assured: it's official. That will soon disappear as initial set-up settings take effect on your account.

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