Mass-Import Chemical Logs

A Step-by-Step Guide for Importing your Chemical Records

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

Whether you prefer Excel or use Google Sheets, follow these steps, guidelines, and best practices as recommended in the tutorial below to master the Chemical Records Import at

Required fields will be colored pink. For this import, those are only the first two columns (date and time).

Date cells must be formatted in mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy format (e.g. 01/23/22 or 01/23/2022). Time cells must be formatted in hh:mmam/pm syntax (e.g. 8:15am or 8:15AM). Steps 6 & 7 below emphasize these two important details.

How to Import More than One Chemical Record at a Time

Sometimes it's easier to collect measurements on a separate pool spreadsheet, another device or software, or even on paper for a week at a time or longer. Whatever the case, it's always best to have a reliable digital record. Here's how to make that happen in DigiQuatics:

1). On the Chemical Records page, go to Options > Import

2). The next page (Instructions) includes a button: "Create Template" - click this button to generate the blank "master" spreadsheet for all the locations and pools in the account.

(Tip: If you have MANY locations and are just planning to import data for ONE, it's typically better/easier to simply filter for the location and pool that you want on the main page - see screenshot - and then EXPORT. This alternative method is detailed in the tutorial video below. You can add to the existing data or simply wipe the spreadsheet clean and enter your new data - either way, the DigiQuatics Importer is looking for a unique DATE and TIME combination to create the new chemical log rows of data).

screenshot of DigiQuatics chemical records import

3). Next, download this file from either your email inbox or from within Digi by going to your name drop-down in the upper right corner, then "My Downloads" - click "Download"

4). We recommend opening this .xlsx file in either Excel or Google Sheets. After opening, find the location and pool along the bottom of the spreadsheet (Tip: the user can scroll across these tabs easily with a mouse that has a scroll wheel).

5). Enter the data as needed. The "Submitted By" column is for your reference/record only and completely optional (because Digi will record the user's name upon import - whomever processes the import, their name will appear on the record for those specific chemical logs). The most important fields here are date and time.

6). IMPORTANT: The dates and times must be unique for each row, either by date or time. Example: the user cannot enter the following:





12:00 PM

data 1


12:00 PM

data 2

In this instance, only one of these logs will be imported. If the dates OR the times, however, are unique (i.e. either auto-filling the dates for consecutive days 3/5, 3/6, 3/7, etc. OR keeping it all the same day but offsetting the times each by a minute, for example) is an example of data entered that would yield a successful import.

7). Lastly, perhaps the most important thing to is make sure the time is entered without a space between the hh:mm pm/am (e.g. 8:15am or 8:15AM). This constitutes a best practice. The problem is that by default, many Excel programs will convert a time entered automatically the "Time" format. This however can cause import issues. Another final "failsafe" is to format the time column plain text. Text is the best here!

screenshot of format options in excel for DigiQuatics chemical records importer

8). Finally, save the file, then return to the Chemical Records Importer | DigiQuatics page

9). Click "choose file" - upload the recently saved file, then click "Import" - a report should be generated immediately with the import's results and sent to the user's email inbox. Check the records by filtering on your Chemical Records | DigiQuatics page for the appropriate location and pool!

For general instructions on setting up Chemical Records visit this article. Watch the tutorial below for detailed examples, cover two methods, for importing your chemical data.

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