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How do I Import Employees Into DigiQuatics
How do I Import Employees Into DigiQuatics

How do import Employees into DigiQuatics (Via Excel)

Josh avatar
Written by Josh
Updated over a week ago

To add employees, visit the Employees page of your account. Simply click on the "add" button if you would like to bring in employees one at a time.

  1. Navigate to the Employees page

  2. Click the "▼" on on the "ADD EMPLOYEE" button to reveal the additional options.(See picture below)

  3. Next, on the drop-down options menu click "IMPORT EMPLOYEES", this will navigate you to the employee import page. (See picture below)

  4. Download the add multiple employees / import template, the linked labeled "Excel Template".

  5. Fill out the template and make sure the "Required" columns are all filled out.

  6. Use the "Choose File" button to select the saved completed template file.

  7. Select the saved and completed template file on your computer or device.

  8. Click "IMPORT EMPLOYEES" to add your new employees. Note: Employees with existing profiles in DigiQuatics will be looked up via their email address and any associated information will be updated on their profile. 

  9. Check your email for a success or failure email from DigiQuatics.

Add Employee Button

Import Employee Button (Dropdown Menu)

To bulk import employees, click options and "export" to obtain a spreadsheet (via email, and also available under "My Downloads" in your user drop-down menu) that you can use to upload employee information "en masse" and also modify any fields you may want to update/overwrite at anytime. Once saved, go back to "add" and select "Import" > Import Employees to bring in that data.

For more information on how to do this, visit our tutorial library or click here.

Once you have added your employees, that's when the scheduling module will come together - you'll be able to assign your staff and correlate positions, create repeating shifts, and more.

For a detailed understanding as well as our recommendation for best practices, watch the below video overview, which touches upon your staff's experience as new DigiQuatics users. This highlights their personalized drop-down menu which houses everything they need to navigate DigiQuatics, with an emphasis on how to access, review, and customize notifications.

Everything your staff needs to know and access can be found right under their name! This makes "training" a breeze. Just point this out to each of your staff members to have them review and get acquainted with the most important "My" pages. Among these include a section dedicated to their schedule, lessons they instruct, their profile, and more.

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